Seymour Says Congrats To Championship Cheerleaders

The Seymour Board of Selectmen honored the Seymour High School cheerleading squad Tuesday for winning a state championship in March.

Each cheerleader was individually recognized and received a certificate from the town. 

It’s been a solid few months for female athletes in Seymour. The girls’ softball team just captured a state championship.

Here is a list of the cheerleaders from the winning squad:

Kayla Christiansen

Gina Greene

Jennifer Forsyth

Tiffani Hushion

Makayla Scheck

Marissa Merithew

Ashley Bercier

Grace Mitchell

Amanda Estwan

Nina Poeta

Megan Gayle

Rachel Scinto

Amanda Michaud

Peyton Bopp

Brianna Schmitt-Keller

Jessica Buker

Rayanne Burns

Kristen Cavallaro

Jessica Forsyth

Samantha Fenton

Jasmyn DiPietro

(If there’s a name missing, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and we’ll add it)

Here is a YouTube video of the cheerleaders in action from March:

And here is video from the Selectmen meeting. The cheerleading presentation is the first 7 minutes of the video, approximately.

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