Seymour Schools To Open Friday, Nov. 4

All Seymour schools have regained power Thursday, Nov. 3, after a snow storm knocked out much of the power in the state.

The schools will re-open for students on Friday, Nov. 4, the district said today. 

The following message was sent out by Superintendent MaryAnne Mascolo Thursday afternoon:

Good Afternoon,

I have good news. Schools will be open tomorrow, Nov. 4. It will be good to get back some semblance of normal in our lives as these past five or so days have not been good for most of us.

Our schools are up and running and in good shape. We will serve lunch tomorrow but the choices will be very limited as we restock our kitchens.

I understand that some homes are still without power and you may be staying with relatives, friends or at a hotel. As parents you can make the choice to send your children to school or not. Your children will not be penalized for being absent tomorrow.

I made this decision in conjunction with representatives from the police department, the fire marshal’s office and the emergency management director. The roads have been cleared and school buses will run tomorrow.

Parent conferences that were to take place today will be rescheduled.

If the need continues to exist, Seymour Middle School will remain a shelter for those in need. We will move the shelter to a wing of the middle school that will be closed to students. A police officer will be on duty at all times. We will continue to offer showers at the middle school today.

Tomorrow, Friday, Nov. 4, showers will be available at the Middle School from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. No one will be allowed in the school building for showers while school is in session.

I along with a number of the school administrators and several teachers had the opportunity to volunteer our time at the SMS shelter. It was our pleasure to assist the professional, committed and caring individuals from town’s emergency management team.

Keep warm and be safe.

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