SEYMOUR — The following message is from the Town of Seymour:
Seymour is proud that so many civic and community leaders call our Town home! We are currently seeking nominations for two new awards. If you know someone who has made a difference, visit https://www.seymourct.org/news/post/438/ for nomination information.
To download the nomination forms, click the link above, or click on the blue hyperlink titles below!
The Town of Seymour Awards Subcommittee of the Board of Selectmen will begin soliciting nominations for two awards:
The Roberta M. King Excellence in Government Service Award
A philanthropy-focused award to be presented to a resident with a passion for helping others. An individual who has assisted the people of the Town of Seymour while in a governmental role in an outstanding and exemplary manner; and an individual who shares the ideals of Roberta M. King who valued helping others through government service.
The Frank and Ann Conroy Community Service Award
Will be award to someone who shared their passion for exemplary effort in serving the community. Who exemplifies the spirit of public service by sharing their time, talent, and energy for the betterment of our community. An individual who contributed to the well-being of the people of the Town of Seymour through exemplary community service; and an individual who shares the ideals of Frank and Ann Conroy who valued working toward creating a better community for all people of the Town of Seymour.
Nominations for recipients of each Award will be received through September 9, 2022. To nominate someone for this award, please complete the forms linked above and email them to seymourawards@gmail.com . If you require additional space, you may attach another page. You may also print the form and deliver a completed version to: the Office of the First Selectwoman, 1 First Street, Seymour, Connecticut. Nomination forms are available at Town Hall.
Any questions may be directed to the Office of the First Selectwoman (203 – 888-2511).