Seymour Selectmen Talk Technology, Housatonic Wire, Tax Incentives

Here are some highlights from last week’s Seymour Board of Selectmen meeting.

The meeting can be viewed in its entirety here.

  • A committee exploring whether tax incentives can bolster Seymour’s revenue base is expected to present a report to the Board of Selectmen in February. That report will then go to the town’s economic development commission and the town’s finance board. The committee’s suggestions could be adopted by the town in March.
  • Town Hall is on schedule to have extended hours starting on the first Thursday in February, when it will be open until 7:30 p.m. The Town Hall will then have extended hours every Thursday.
  • First Selectman Kurt Miller is creating a new panel to look at what to do with four Seymour buildings — 98 Bank St., the Community Center, Town Hall and the Anna LoPresti School. Members of the new panel will include representatives from the Board of Selectmen, the Board of Education, the Board of Finance, the fire marshal’s office, the building director and three members at-large. Miller has reached out to both the Republican and Democratic Town Committees for volunteers. The town hopes to have a report from this group by May.
  • The clean-up of the fire and demolition wreckage at the former Housatonic Wire factory could begin in February, depending on the whether. Town officials say they are owed about $18,000 from the property’s owner. That bill includes about $10,000 in items done immediately after the Sept. 2010 fire — and a $400 a month bill the town was incurring for placing a fence at the property.
  • The town’s new technology committee is utilizing everything from Google docs to Twitter in an effort to better communicate with residents. They’re also in the early stages of revamping the town’s outdated website. The official Town of Seymour Twitter account was the first to report the Board of Selectmen officially voted to call the newly renovated Chatfield School the LoPresti Chatfield Elementary School.” Click here for a story from the New Haven Register on the subject.

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