Seymour Stop & Shop Employees Say Thanks

An open letter to our community:

Thank you.

As Stop and Shop associates we owe a debt of gratitude to our customers and community for the support we were shown over the course of the strike. 

We appreciated the daily Box-of-Joes and dozens upon dozens of donuts and munchkins, and the cases of water, and honks and beeps for the picketers on Franklin Street’s traffic island (which shall forever be known as Gilligan’s Island). 

We were grateful to First Selectman Miller and Selectman Behuniak who helped to buoy our spirits along the way. 

Support from the Seymour Police Department was simply another example of the exemplary work they do every day for the Town of Seymour, and was invaluable to our cause.

However, the most important show of support for us as associates was the nearly-empty parking lot, day in and day out. 

We understand full well that Stop and Shop is our community’s local grocery store, and that sometimes heading out of town for groceries was often less than ideal. 

It wasn’t lost on any of us that the dedication to our cause was often inconvenient. In spite of that, our community came through for us in ways we remain in awe of.
In the coming days we look forward to returning to serve our customers, and we’re all excited to begin to welcome you back. 

We also recognize the opportunities the situation provides to rectify the shortcomings we hear about from our customers directly and online. We recognized within a few days that our community was going to come through for us, and we’re confident and excited that you’ll continue to come through for us as we return to doing what we do best; serving our customers every single day of the year.

Thank you again.
Mary Thomas (UFCW local 919 steward)
Christopher Larocque (Strike Capitan)
The rest of the Store 603 crew

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