Seymour Superintendent: Let’s Talk

Hello. This is Superintendent Christine Syriac. I’m writing to announce Let’s Talk!, a new outlet on the district website for your ideas, concerns, and praise.

Let’s Talk! is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week — from any device. Just click the Let’s Talk! button and tell us what’s on your mind. All comments will receive careful consideration and appropriate follow-up. You may choose to remain anonymous or include your email address for a response within 48 hours.

Each Let’s Talk! submission is sent to the assigned school, department or district staff members.

While Let’s Talk! is not intended to replace face-to-face meetings or individual email, it is another way for members of the Seymour community to reach out and ask questions or share information and ideas.

If you find yourself posting questions to friends and family on Facebook about the Seymour Public Schools, why not send that question, concern, or comment directly to a member of the Seymour Public Schools staff?

If you see a comment or concern on Facebook about Seymour Public Schools please cut and paste the information, enter it into Let’s Talk! and send it to me.

If you have feedback for individual teachers and staff members, please contact those individuals directly. If you wish to talk to someone from a school directly, please call the school directly and a secretary will direct your call. All phone numbers are on the district website.

Seymour, Let’s Talk!

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