Seymour Veterans Welcomed Home

Derby/Shelton AMVETS (American Veterans) Post 43 held a welcome home ceremony for two combat wounded brothers from Seymour, Mario and Sergio Cano, at the Derby Memorial Veterans Building on Dec. 31, 2011. 

Both brothers, along with their father who is a Major in the National Guard, are members of the AMVETS post. 

Mario and Sergio were presented with certificates of appreciation for their service and their sacrifice for freedom. 

Mario has been discharged from the Army and is attending college to complete his degree. 

Local veterans met Sergio last year when they were making one of their monthly Operation Gift Cards visits to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center at Bethesda, Maryland. Sergio has returned to Walter Reed to recuperate from wounds received in combat. 

The ceremony was attended by 21 AMVETS members and about 25 family members and friends. 

In the last 15 months, Post 43 has recruited 14 new OEF/OIF (Afghanistan and Iraqi) veterans plus 31 other veterans (mostly Vietnam veterans) who have joined the Post to support the new mission of Post 43 which is ​“To inform and assist OEF/OIF/GWOT/OND veterans and their families.” The AMVETS are the most inclusive of all the veterans organizations, without restrictions to place or time of service. Membership only requires a honorable discharge.

For more information on helping our wounded troops with Operation Gift Cards or for information on joining or assisting AMVETS Post 43 contact: Al Meadows (203) 929‑3357 or see the facebook page of ​“CT AMVETS Post 43”

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