On April 22, dozens of residents volunteered to help clean up downtown Seymour in honor of Earth Day.
The Seymour Pride Committee, in coordination with First Selectman W. Kurt Miller organized the Earth Day event and hopes the event can be an annual one. Seymour Pride has coordinated an Earth Day clean-up for the past few years.
Volunteers met in front of Town hall at 8 a.m. and set to work in areas downtown, cleaning, picking up garbage, sweeping, or raking.
The most work was done cleaning the hill along the train tracks behind Main Street. A box spring, a mattress, several tires, and car parts were among a few of the items found there. In total, four truckloads of garbage were filled and taken away by public works trucks.
All the potted planters in downtown Seymour, as well as flower boxes along Seymour Town Hall’s parking lot were filled with flowers generously donated by Lowes, Ace Begonias, and Haynes.
“It was great to see so many people from different aspects of town represented at the event,” said Kim Osgood, chair of the Seymour Pride Committee. “There were Seymour Lions, town employees, police, cheerleaders, residents, and Public Works employees among some of the volunteers. It was fantastic to see everyone working together for our community.”
“We couldn’t have done it without everyone’s help! I am humbled by the generosity of our residents,” says First Selectman W. Kurt Miller. “A big thank you to all who took time out of their Sunday to help us.”
Seymour Pride and the town would like to give a special thank you to Zois Pizza Palace for providing the volunteers with pizza & soda as well as to Smith Shell Station for providing waters for the volunteers.
For upcoming Seymour Pride events please visit the town’s website www.seymourct.org under Calendar of Events or by liking “Seymour Pride Committee” on Facebook.