This year the Winter Parking Ban will be in effect from DECEMBER 1, 2013 thru MARCH 31, 2014.
Since 2013 is an ODD year, Parking will only be allowed on the ODD side of the street for the entire winter season (December 2013, January 2014, February 2014 and March 2014).
The ban will be in effect daily from midnight until 6 the following morning regardless of the weather conditions. It will also be in effect during an active winter storm regardless of the time of day.
Vehicles must be legally parked without impeding the normal flow of traffic.
Below is a list of streets that are exceptions to the ODD side of the street parking. If your street is not listed below you must park on the ODD side of the street.
Off-street parking is highly encouraged whenever possible.
NEW ST. — Exempt Parking On Both Sides
SEYMOUR AVE. — Odd Side Only
CHERRY ST. — West Side Only
GEORGE ST. — Parking Allowed In Front of #12 thru #20
BUNGAY COURT — Parking Only On North Side
RAY ST. — Parking On South Side Only
SCHOOL ST. — EXEMPT- Parking allowed on Both Sides
CLIFTON ST. — Parking Only On the Even Side
HUMPHREY ST. — Even Side From Sloss Electric to S. Main St.
CULVER ST. — Third Ave. to Wood St- Parking On Even Side
KNORR AVE. — From #20- #34 Parking on Even Side
MANNERS AVE. — Even Side Parking From Richards Ave.- Rennay Rd.
POND ST — Even Side Parking
The Fine for Violation of the Winter Parking Ban is $20