The Shelton Police Department will conduct a DUI enforcement checkpoint on Friday, Sept. 2, 2011 from 6:30 p.m. until 2:30 a.m.
The checkpoint will take place somewhere on Bridgeport Avenue, River Road and in the downtown area. The checkpoint location is subject to change.
The checkpoint will be headed by the Shelton Police Traffic Division with assistance from the patrol division.
The checkpoint is being partially funded by a grant from the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation.
The goal of the checkpoint is to make the roads in Shelton a safer place to drive.
Drivers are reminded that drinking and driving do not mix.
The Seymour Police Department will conduct a DWI check point along the Route 67 corridor Friday (Sept 2).
Officers will check for operators of vehicles who may be under the influence of alcohol and drugs between the hours of Friday at 7 p.m. and Saturday at 3 a.m., said Lt. Paul Satkowski, spokesman for the department.
The DWI operation is funded through a grant from the state Department of Transportation Comprehensive DWI Enforcement Program, he said.
The grant also provides assistance in funding additional officers to patrol town highways throughout the year searching for DWI cases.