Submitted by Fire Marshal James M Tortora
On 11/02/20 at 7:34 am the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded with two engines to a tree and power lines down in the roadway on Howe Avenue Route 110 near Housatonic Rise.
On 11/02/20 at 8:01 am the Huntington Co. #3 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded with an engine and a rescue truck to a motor vehicle accident on route 8 north bound in the area of exit 12.
On 11/02/20 at 10:19 am the Huntington Co. #3 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded with two rescue trucks to Enterprise Tower #4 at #4 Corporate Drive for people stuck in an elevator as a result of a power failure.
On 11/02/20 at 10:21 am the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded with an engine to a fire alarm activated at Enterprise Tower #2 at #2 Corporate Drive. There was no fire.
On 11/03/20 at 11:42 am the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded with an engine to the Shelton Transfer Station to extinguish a fire in a dumpster containing cardboard.
On 11/03/20 at 1:22 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1, White Hills Co. #5 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded with two engines, two rescue trucks and a ladder truck to a report of smoke in the building at #549 Howe Avenue. There was no fire.
On 11/03/20 at 2:11 pm the White Hills Co. #5 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded with an engine to a brush fire on Leavenworth Road.
On 11/03/20 at 5:46 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded with an engine to a report of an odor of natural gas in an apartment at the Birmingham Condo’s at #145 Canal Street.
On 11/04/20 at 1:57 pm the Pine Rock Co. #4, Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Huntington Co. #3 responded with an engine, a rescue truck and a ladder truck to smoke in the building at the Bishop Wicke Health Care Center at #584 Long Hill Avenue. There was no fire.
On 11/04/20 at 3:05 pm the Huntington Co. #3 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to with an engine and a rescue truck to a motor vehicle accident on Commerce Drive.
On 11/04/20 at 4:51 pm Huntington Co. #3, White Hills Co. #5 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded with two engines, a rescue truck and a ladder truck to #327 Waverly Road for a fire in an abandoned fuel oil tank in the driveway of the property. The fire was out upon arrival of fire units. The fire occurred when the owner was attempting to cut the tank with a torch.
On 11/05/20 at 02:36 am the White Hills Co. #5 responded with an engine to #47 Highland Drive in Monroe to assist at a house fire.
On 11/05/20 at 2:06 pm Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded with a rescue truck to a motor vehicle accident on Long Hill Avenue near Constitution Boulevard South
On 11/06/20 at 6:15 am the White Hills Co. #5 responded with an engine to standby at the Monroe Fire Company.
On 11/06/20 at 12:15 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded with a rescue truck to motor vehicle accident on Shelton Avenue near Mary Street.
On 11/06/20 at 5:43 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded an engine and a ladder truck to a fire alarm activation at the Talalay Global Company at #510 River Road. There was no fire.
On 11/06/20 at 9:46 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded an engine and a rescue truck to a motor vehicle accident on Bridgeport Avenue at Long Hill Cross Road.
On 11/07/20 at 8:26 am the White Hills Co. #5 responded with a ladder truck to assist the Derby Fire Department at a fire alarm at the Griffin Hospital. There was no fire.
On 11/07/20 at 8:30 am the Huntington Co. #3 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to with an engine to #1 Wellington Court for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire.
On 11/07/20 at 3:02 pm the Huntington Co. #3 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to with two engines and a tanker truck to a brush fire in the area of #117 Longmeadow Road.
On 11/07/20 at 8:08 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded an engine and a ladder truck to a fire alarm activation at #149 Hillside Avenue. There was no fire.
On 11/08/20 at 11:25 am the White Hills Co. #5 and the Huntington Co. #3 responded with an engine to #23 Applewood Drive for an activated carbon monoxide alarm.
On 11/08/20 at 12:44 pm the Pine Rock Co. #4 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded with two engines to a brush fire in the area of #703 Long Hill Avenue.
On 11/08/20 at 2:02 pm the White Hills Co. #5 and the Huntington Co. #3 responded with an engine to a carbon monoxide alarm activation at #50 Dogwood Drive.
On 11/08/20 at 4:33 pm the Huntington Co. #3 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to with an engine to and a rescue truck to smoke in the area of Daybreak Lane. The smoke was from a fire pit used in the area.
On 11/08/20 at Echo Hose Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded with an engine to a report to a report of a brush fire in the area of #855 Howe Avenue. The call was due to a fire pit being used in the area.
On 11/08/20 at Huntington Co. #3 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded with an engine to #16 Cedar Hill Road for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. Smoke from cooking caused the alarm.
On 11/09/20 at 00:47 am the Huntington Co. #3 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to with an engine and a rescue truck to a motor vehicle accident on route 8 north bound near exit 13.