Shelton Firefighters Planning Head-Shaving Fundraiser July 14

Hate cancer? Call Shelton volunteer firefighter Mark Starzecki. 

He’s leading Huntington Fire Co. 3’s efforts to organize a St. Baldrick’s event Saturday, July 14 at Downtown Danny O’s Bar & Grille.

At the events, volunteers get their heads shaved to show solidarity for kids undergoing treatment for cancer and raise money for childhood cancer research.

The organization began in 2000 when a group of reinsurance executives turned a St. Patrick’s Day party into a head-shaving fundraiser and raised over $104,000.

The group now awards more childhood cancer research grants than any organization except the U.S. government.

Starzecki, a four-year member of Huntington Fire Co. No. 3, hopes the Shelton event, planned for July 14 at 3 p.m. at Danny O’s, will become an annual tradition.

This is going to be the first one,” Starzecki said. We’re trying to make it a yearly thing.”

He said he hopes to have teams from firehouses and businesses throughout the Valley as the day of the event approaches.

Their fundraising goal this year is $3,000.

Starzecki can be reached at 203 – 513-0300 or via e‑mail.

Click here to visit the Huntington Fire Co. 3’s Facebook page.

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