Shelton Group To Hold Golf Tournament For Derby Camp

Come join area business professionals, who will be swinging their clubs this month for the benefit of the Recreation Camp in Derby.

Members of the Shelton Alliance BNI (Business Networking International) have organized this Charitable Donation Golf Tournament on Monday, June 25 at Brownson Country Club, 15 Soundview Ave., Shelton. 

The Recreation Camp is a non-profit member of the Valley United Way and has continuously operated a children’s summer camp on the Housatonic River in Derby since 1917. The camp’s mission is to provide early childhood education and water related activities to children from Derby, Shelton, Ansonia, Seymour and Oxford during the summer. Swimming, kayaking, canoeing and sailing are taught by Red Cross certified instructors.

Following along the BNI philosophy that Giver’s Gain,’ each chapter reaches out in their local communities to support philanthropic causes geared to improving our quality of life,” said Cara Mocarski, President of the Shelton chapter. In addition to helping a local charity, we want to increase awareness in the community about our dynamic business referral group.”

We are extremely grateful to the Shelton Alliance BNI Group for contributing tournament proceeds to the Recreation Camp in Derby,” said Camp Director Mike Drew. Thousands of Valley boys and girls ages 5 to 15 have learned how to swim at our camp, which is situated on two acres along the Housatonic River. The group’s generosity and support will benefit many Valley children this summer.”

The tournament opens with registration and lunch at 11 a.m., followed by a shotgun start at 12:30 p.m. and a scramble format. The cocktail hour will take place from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. A cash bar is available. The individual player fee of $165 includes lunch, an afternoon scramble, a social hour and numerous golf prizes. 

Shelton residents serving on the golf committee include: Paul Jensen, Dan L’Altrella, Lexanne Kroll, Tom Steeves, and Cara Mocarski.

Sponsorship opportunities and player reservations are available by contacting Paul Jensen at 203 – 331-3302 or visiting Charge card payments will be accepted by calling Dan L’Altrella at 203 – 521-2905. Checks should be made payable to BNI, Dan L’Altrella” and mailed to Lexanne Kroll, 8 Huntington St., Suite 124, Shelton, CT 06484.

Shelton Alliance BNI is a local BNI Chapter that serves the Greater Valley area. Local business professionals meet on a regular basis to exchange business referrals. Membership is exclusive by profession.

BNI is the largest business referral network n the world with more than 5,000 chapters formed since 1985. Prospective members are always welcome to visit a chapter meeting to learn how they can grow their business through personal referrals. Call President Cara Mocarski at 203 – 331-2779 for more information.

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