Shelton High School’s Student Council and National Honor Society joined forces this week to raise money for the Valley Goes Pink campaign.
Throughout October, Valley towns are invited to host a variety of unique fundraising events to raise breast cancer awareness and support for the Griffin Hospital Development Fund, which supports the Hewitt Center for Breast Wellness.
Pink wristbands and two specially-designed pink Gael t‑shirts were sold. The bulk of the funds also came from donations, as the schools.
Headmaster Dr. Beth A. Smith, agreed to have her hair “pinked” if $1,000 was raised.
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Once that goal was reached, new goals of $1,500 for two senior football captains, $2,000 for the housemasters and $3,000 for the Athletic Director were set.
Friday night’s pink football game opponent, Fairfield Prep, joined in the fundraising efforts and contributed $800 to the campaign.
All goals were surpassed.
In just four days over $3,700 was raised.
On Friday morning, the main lobby was abuzz, as Student Council President Carly Seamon “pinked the hair” of the Headmaster Beth Smith; Senior football captain Jason Thompson; housemasters John Skerritt, Steven Swensen, Jim Colandrea; and Athletic Director John Niski. Senior captain Mike Ortoli had dyed his hair pink the night before.
Head football coach Jeff Roy was watching the festivities and, in the end, found himself in the chair donning pink hair.
The majority of the school’s staff and students wore pink to support the cause. In addition, the monthly staff breakfast featured pink pancakes.
Smith commented, “There was so much spirit in the building. Students, staff, parents and the community bonded together to support a common cause and unite in raising cancer awareness. I am so proud of the students for their efforts.”
Here’s video of the event from WTNH: