Shelton High School Honors CAPT Scholars

Shelton High school honored 125 CAPT Scholars at a breakfast on Thursday, Oct. 20. 

CAPT Scholars
These students achieved goal on the Math, Reading Across the Disciplines, Writing Across the Disciplines and Science sections of the Connecticut Academic Performance Test. Mrs. Cindy Brouillette, Guidance Department Chairperson, planned the breakfast. 

Parents were invited to share in the festivities. 

Mrs. Brouillette commented, ​“Over the last few years less than thirty percent of sophomores tested in the state of Connecticut achieved certification in all four subject areas. We are very proud to be able to celebrate with you your success on the CAPT test as well as your continued commitment to high academic achievement here at Shelton High School.” 

Dr. Beth Smith, Headmaster, addressed and congratulated the students. 

She commented, ​“At Shelton High School we believe it is important to celebrate student achievement and to gather as a learning community, with students, staff, administration, parents, board of education members, and Central Office personnel, to recognize those students who have met the standards as stated in our mission statement.” 

She challenged students to continue to be diligent with their studies and set high, achievable goals for themselves. 

Dr. Smith presented each student with a certificate from the Connecticut State Department of Education. 

Students who were recognized for meeting goal on all four CAPT subtests are: Phillip Ashcroft, Denis DaSilva, Samantha Dimas, James Farrell, John Fenton, Alyson Ferrante, Megan Finelli, Emily Gaetano, Kristen Grabarz, Connor Hamme, Colette Harley, Micaela Joyce, David Karwowski, John Kocur, Jordan Kovacs, Jacob Mabee, Emily McNeil, Timothy Maloney, Olivia Marciano, Alexa Merriam, Carolyn Rennie, John Somers, Joseph Stein, Mackenzie Thompson, Joseph Wardell. Other CAPT Scholars receiving certificates were:

Justin Ahern, Emily Apicerno, Vincent Backert, Katherine Benedito, Justin Bernardino, Ryan Berry, Priyal Bhargava, Jeremy Blass, Alessandra Boisvert, Shady Bourham, Zachary Bowles, Anthony Branca, Mackenzie Brighindi, Megan Burke, Bree Callahan, Thomas Caruso, James Castelot, Rachel Cataudella, Richard Cerulli, Tyler Chamberland, Cole Chavez, Michael Chernesky, Monica Ciocca, Olivia Cleri, Shantal Collins, Gianna DeCaro, Emily DeRosa, Alexandra Ferrarese, Ryan Fitzgerald, Adam Florczak, Vincent Flynn, Maretta Geevarghese, Ashley Gilbey, Taillore Ginorio, Richard Hayes, Ermal Hima, Maeve Holler, Hailey Hongo, Myles Hoponick, Scott Hultgren, Vincent Infante, Alyssa Johnson, Erin Johnson, Samantha Johnson, Selina Jose, Steven Kandro, William Karcher, Pauline Kleczkowski, Nicholas Kopchik, Stavros Koumbaros, Samantha Krajcsik, Julianna Kriston, Katie Lampart, Shannon Langdon, Ewa Leszczynski, Marcelina Lombardi, Kaitlyn Macisco, Sara MacNeill, Jason Maldonado, Christian Mariano, Nicholas Matto, Julianna Mauriello, Kelly McCormack, Kelly Messemer, Charles Mojcik, Lauren Montagna, Craig Packnick, Brett Pascarelli, Taylor Peers, Edward Peluso, Ramon Peralta, Gabriella Perez, William Pjura, Sarah Plucienik, Lauren Pontbriant, Geoffrey Profeta, Kacy Rello, Kelly Robinson, Brittany Russo, Conner Schutz, Lauren Shearer, Kevin Sisounthone, Justin Sobbell, Alexandra Soltis, Lili Sou, Sydney Spadinger, Nicholas Stevko, Emily Tarini, Ryan Testani, Tyler Tice, Michael Torres, Nicholas Trabka, Tyler Vasilescu, Adam Villegas, Chelsea Wade, Brian Welch, Thomas Wilczynski, Alyssa Wood, Adam Zhitomi, Amy Zygart. 

The event concluded with a raffle in which CAPT Scholars received gift certificates to local establishments or cash prizes from donations received from school clubs, staff members and parent organizations.

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