Shelton Land Trust Needs Help Restoring Tractor

The Shelton Land Conservation Trust is seeking donations to help restore its 1958 Ferguson Tractor that has been used for over 10 years to maintain the trails and fields of the Nicholdale Farm Open Space parcel off Route 110.

This is a piece of history that we want to ensure continues a long and useful working life here in Shelton keeping open space accessible to all”, said Joe Welsh, Land Trust President. 

The tractor worked on Shelton farms for many years before coming into the possession of the late Bob Stockmal, one of the original founders of the Land Trust. 

Stockmal used it for many years to voluntarily mow the Nicholdale fields across from his home after the open space was acquired through a generous grant from Iroquois Gas. 

Eventually through the continued generosity of Stockmal and Al Preston’s Garage, the Land Trust became the little red tractor’s owner along with a shiny new brush hog to mow the fields. Since then, the tractor has been working tirelessly each summer, often under the guidance of Bruce Nichols, the grandson of the original farmer of Nicholdale.

But it is time for a freshening up” Welsh said. The paint has worn off and it is starting to rust. Lights were lost when a barn roof collapsed from the snow last winter and its tires are threadbare.” 

We’re lucky however that mechanically it runs like a top”, said Bruce Nichols.

Land Trust member Ed McCreery and his son Conner, a college student who works part time at Dragones Classic Cars, have agreed to donate their time and labor to restore the
tractor over the winter. 

It’s a fine old tractor made right here in the USA and is built like a tank”, said Ed McCreery. I was pleased to learn that almost all the parts needed to breathe new life into the tractor are available, but they’re not cheap so we’re looking for donations”. Ferguson was a very popular brand and famous for developing the three point hitch still in use on today’s farm equipment. Eventually the company merged to form the current Massey-Ferguson Tractor Company. McCreery estimates the cost of the restoration at $2,000 to $3,000 in parts and paint. He hopes to have the tractor done in time for the annual Shelton-Derby Memorial Day parade.

Welsh said the Land Trust is soliciting tax deductible donations of money or in-kind services to help defray the expense of the restoration. Donations can be mailed to PO
Box 2276 – Huntington Station Shelton, CT 06484 and will be duly noted on the Land Trust’s web site and on a placard displayed during the parade. Anyone wishing to offer
an in-kind donation may contact Welsh, or McCreery,

When the restoration is done, the tractor will be good for another 10 – 20 years of work on Land Trust property right here in Shelton,” Welsh said.

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