SHELTON — State Senator Kevin Kelly and State Representatives Jason Perillo and Ben McGorty are hosting an office hour on Tuesday, January 14th from 10 am – 11 am at the Shelton Senior Center, located at 81 Wheeler Street. Residents are invited to join the lawmakers to discuss the upcoming 2020 legislative session and share their ideas for potential legislation.
WHO: Senator Kevin Kelly, Representative Jason Perillo, Representative Ben McGorty
WHAT: Office Hour
WHEN: Tuesday, January 14, 10:00 am – 11:00 am
WHERE: Shelton Senior Center, 81 Wheeler Street, Shelton
WHY: To discuss the upcoming 2020 Legislative Session and ideas for potential legislation.
To contact the Senator visit SenatorKevinKelly.com or call 800 – 842-1421. To contact the Representatives visit RepPerillo.com and RepMcGorty.com or call 800 – 842-1423.