Shelton Man to Share Cancer Survivor Story At Griffin Walk/Run 5K


Mark Solotruk, of Shelton, will share his cancer journey as part of the Center for Cancer Care at Griffin Hospital 5K Walk/Run on Sept. 22.

The Survivor Speaker for this year’s 5K Walk/Run to Benefit the Center for Cancer Care at Griffin Hospital can truly sing the praises of the treatment he received at the Center.

Mark Solotruk, of Shelton, was diagnosed with base of the tongue carcinoma this year and received more than 30 radiation treatments at the Center for Cancer Care from May to July.

The diagnosis was especially hard on Solotruk who is a singer for The Orchard Hill Band. Instead of letting the disease bring him down, Solotruk strengthened his resolve to not only beat the cancer, but return to sing for a family picnic scheduled shortly after his treatments.

Originally I set challenges for myself,” said Solotruk. Meeting these challenges kept me going, along with the Griffin staff who were very helpful with their positive encouragement. My wife, Helen, was the pillar to me getting through all of this, without the help of my caregiver and everyone else this would have been extremely difficult to get through.”

Despite doctor’s advice to take it easy, Solotruk worked and rehearsed throughout his treatment with the soul focus of performing.

The key is, you have to keep going, you can’t stop,” he said.

Fortunately he also received a little help from Griffin. The day before his show, Solotruk came to the Center with feelings of dehydration. The staff hooked him up to an IV, and within hours he had the strength he needed to perform the next day.

Throughout all my treatments, Griffin was always there for me,” he said.

Solotruk singled out many staff members who made his experience exemplary, including radiation therapists John Dontfraid, Sharlene Hench, Mary Starno, and Frances Kennedy, Radiation Oncology Nurse Tracy Volpe Nutritionist Stacey Leary, Social Worker Donna Hayes Patient Care Assistant Maggie Lewis, Medical Oncology Nurse Sue Hanrahan, and Volunteer Vi Madura.

Their attitudes are fantastic, without their medical and psychological help I would not be where I am today,” he said.

Solotruk’s story highlights the purpose of the 5K Walk/Run, which is to raise fund for the needs of patients such as groceries, transportation, complementary care and wig and salon services.

This is the 10th anniversary of the 5K and there is a special Xenathlon” planned with yoga and spinning classes aimed to encourage participants to care for their mind, body and soul.

This year Griffin Hospital is celebrating its ten year anniversary of The Center for Cancer Care Walk/Run 5K, all funds raised from the event go to helping our cancer patients with everyday bills such as groceries and other necessities.

The 5K Walk/Run is scheduled for Sat. Sept. 22 at the Center, 350 Seymour Ave., Derby. For event schedule information and to register, visit

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