The following roads have been scheduled to be resurfaced by the Shelton Highways and Bridges Department, in conjunction with Sealcoating Inc. of Braintree, MA.
Residents and motorists are advised to expect roadway closures and extended traffic delays.
Please plan trips around these areas to avoid extended delays.
Thursday, Sept. 19 (all day)
- Waverly Road (entire length, first coat): First section from Route 108 to Rt-108 to Walnut Tree Hill Road, second section from Walnut Tree Hill Road to Booth Hill Road.
Friday, Sept. 20
- Isinglass Road (partial, first coat): From Route 108 to Waverly Road (morning)
- Waverly Road (partial, second coat): From Walnut Tree Hill to Booth Hill Road (afternoon)
Monday, Sept. 23
- Isinglass Road (partial, second coat): From Route 108 to Waverly Road (morning)
- Constitution Boulevard South – (first coat): From Route 110 to new pavement area near Ivy Brook Road (afternoon, may go after 5 p.m.)
Tuesday, Sept. 24
- Constitution Boulevard South (second coat): From Route 110 to new pavement area near Ivy Brook Road (morning)
- Constitution Boulevard North (first coat): From Route 108 to Summerfield Gardens Condominiums.
Wednesday, Sept. 25
- Constitution Boulevard North (second coat): From Route 108 to Summerfield Gardens Condominiums.
Traffic Control
Two Police Officers with cruisers will be assigned for traffic control, along with flaggers from the Highways and Bridges Department.
Officers will begin at 7 a.m. and meet with the resurfacing crews at the Nike Site Recreation Complex, located off of Mohegan Road. The officers will be assigned from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., or longer if needed.
The Highways and Bridges Department have installed advance notice signs in the areas of work to alert motorists.
Emergency Vehicles
The roads will be accessible to Emergency Vehicles for calls of service and emergencies.
School Buses
All School buses will have access to their respective routes for pickup and drop off.
The resurfacing process may cause delays in the afternoon drop off.
General Information
The resurfacing process consists of a mix that will cover the existing roadway.
The mix takes approximately one hour to dry before being driven on. The mix is applied at a width of 11 to 15 feet and usually takes two passes to cover the entire width of a regular two-lane road (Constitution Boulevard is wider).
Contact Information
- Ron Zalinger, Regional Manager, Sealcoating Inc. Office: 781 – 428-3400, Cell: 203 – 583-4295
- George Stachowicz, Foreman, Shelton Highways and Bridges Department. Office 203 – 924-9277, Cell: 203 – 710-7923.
- Pete Zaksewicz, Sergeant, Shelton Police Traffic Division. Office: 203 – 924-1544 ext. 337.