Shelton Redistricting Plan Revised

Under a revised redistricting plan for Shelton schools, students from Lafayette School will be distributed to three city elementary schools instead of two next year. 

The proposal was reviewed at a public meeting on Feb .22 and was discussed by the Board of Education at its regular meeting Feb. 24.

No vote has been taken on the plan yet, and the board may make additional changes before approving the proposal.

Under the first proposal, which was presented to parents at meetings on Feb. 2 and Feb. 11, the students of Lafayette School were scheduled to be sent to Long Hill and Sunnyside schools next year. Lafayette is scheduled to close at the end of the school year.

Under the new proposal, Elizabeth Shelton will also receive some students from Lafayette.

(Story continues below document.)

Redistricting Revised

The plan calls for the following distribution of Lafayette students:

  • 57 to Long Hill
  • 39 to Elizabeth Shelton
  • 53 to Sunnyside

Under the proposal Mohegan will send 15 students to Booth Hill and will receive 21 students from Long HIll under the proposal – which is similar to the original proposal.

The new proposal also calls for 11 students from Mohegan School to be moved to Elizabeth Shelton school.

The total school numbers, under the revised proposal, are as follows:

Boot Hill: 367
Long Hill: 379
Mohegan: 453
Elizabeth Shelton: 505
Sunnyside: 250

The Board of Education continues to update a fact sheet about the redistricting, answering questions from parents. For more information, visit the district’s Web site.

See an article in the CT Post about the plan here and an article in the New Haven Register about it here.


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