I am proud to announce the Shelton High School Spring SCC Scholar Athletes of the Month for Spring 2014 — Alexandria Gumbs and Michael Pingree.
Name: Alexandria Gumbs
Sport: Girls’ Tennis
Class Rank: 18 out of 360
GPA: 96.7
Other Sports and Activities: Girls’ Tennis Captain, Advanced CAPT Scholar, SCC All-Academic Team, National Honor Society, World Language National Honor Society, Spanish Club, Editor-in-Chief Gael Winds School Newspaper, Co-President of Health Occupations Club, SHS Student of the Month, Volunteer Wesley Village, Volunteer New Haven Open Tennis Tournament, Comcast Leaders & Achievers, DAR award for citizenship and Leadership
Praise: “It has been a pleasure coaching such a fine Student-athlete as Alex Gumbs. Alex has been an outstanding role model to the entire Shelton High School community and our tennis team. Her character, outstanding athleticism, continuous display of sportsmanship have allowed her to be well received within the SCC Conference and highly respected by opposing players and coaches.” — SHS Girls’ Tennis Coach, Michelle Sedlock
Name: Michael Pingree
Sport: Golf, Indoor Track, Football
Class Rank: 30 out of 360
GPA: 94.92
Other Sports and Activities: Golf Team Captain, SCC All-Academic Team, Advanced CAPT Scholar, World Language Honor Society, National Honor Society, National Indoor Track Championships, All SCC Division 1 Football team, AP Scholar, Boy’s State attendee, American mathematics competition, SHS Honor Roll, volunteer SFFL coach, Shelton Education Association scholarship, Blanchette’s Scholar Athlete award, volunteer Spooner House.
Praise: “Michael is the epitome of a “Student-Athlete”. He excels in everything he does. He is ranked in the top ten percent in his graduating class, is a varsity performer in football, track and golf, and is a model citizen in the community. It has been my pleasure to know and be Mike Pingree’s coach for the past four years.” — SHS Head Golf Coach Joe LaPorta
The SCC Scholar Athlete of the Month program is sponsored by the Sports Center of Connecticut and recognizes student athletes who have a minimum of a B (3.0) overall and earn a varsity letter. Student athletes also demonstrate leadership qualities by being a positive role model both on and off the field and show commitment to self-improvement and put their team before themselves.
For more information please contact the Shelton Athletic Department.