Shelton School Board Gets Award From Education Groups

contributedThe Shelton Board of Education was presented with the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education (CABE) Level One Leadership Award during the annual CABE / CAPSS (Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents) Convention held at the Mystic Marriott on Friday, Nov. 14 to Saturday, Nov. 15.

CABE believes that Boards of Education and Superintendents which exhibit the most effective leadership are characterized by their ability to work together as ​“teams.” The CABE Board Recognition Awards are designed to recognize Boards which work effectively in this manner.

Boards which fulfill 22 of 34 Level One criteria, including a minimum of three in each area, earn the Level One CABE Board Leadership Award. These areas include: board leadership/student achievement, board member professional development, policy, community relations, and related organizational leadership.

The Connecticut Association of Boards of Education (CABE) serves local and regional school districts in Connecticut and is dedicated to improving the quality of education throughout the state and the nation. CABE​’s membership includes 145 school districts representing 90 percent of the state’s public school population.

CABE is a leading advocate for public education at the State Capitol and in Washington D.C., and offers many types of support services to local boards of education including the Board Member Academy, a continuing education program for local board of education members.

The Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents (CAPSS) is a statewide nonprofit educational administration organization whose membership includes Connecticut public school superintendents, assistant superintendents, central office administrative personnel, state department of education officials, and college and university professors. 

It provides educational and administrative leadership on a state and national level; it researches, gathers, and disseminates data and information necessary for the management and operation of effective school systems; it monitors state and federal legislative activity and strives to influence positive laws and regulations affecting the education of Connecticut’s public school students; it provides personal support services for its members; it holds statewide conferences of interest to the educational community; and it is a strong voice and staunch advocate of quality public school education.

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