As part of a consolidation of central office, the Shelton Board of Education Tuesday approved a new administrator position.
Board chairman Timothy Walsh said the new position, which the board hopes to fill by August, will replace two central office administrators: the Director of Special Education and the Director of Curriculum and Regular Education.
“This person will serve in the capacity of both,” Walsh said Tuesday, after the board unanimously approved the new position.
The new position title will be Executive Director of Curriculum and Support Services.
Interviews have already started for the job, Walsh said.
The district has not yet set a salary figure for the position.
Walsh said the other two positions — which were eliminated after an early retirement and a resignation this year — paid about $130,000 each.
The district hopes to save money with the consolidation, Walsh said.
The new hire would be required to be certified in both special education and regular education, Walsh said.