On Saturday, Oct. 10, Taylor-Made Fitness in Shelton will be hosting the first of three Spin-Mix classes to benefit Connecticut Partnership for Children Inc.
Created by youth Dana Daconto, a Stratford resident, this class series features Spin-Circuit (Spin and strength training) on Oct. 10.
Additional classes will be added at a later date.
The class starts at 11:30 a.m. and runs one hour. Spin-Circuit is the ultimate workout — 20 minutes of Spinning, 20 minutes of either kettlebell or TRX, and 20 minutes of either core or weight training.
Funded by the “I Can Make A Difference Grant” from the CT Block Party Foundation in Westport, CT, this series promotes health & wellness among adults, while benefiting Connecticut Partnership for Children, Inc., a 501c3 organization that supports low-income children throughout the state.
There are ONLY 17 spaces available for this event. Entry into each class is a $25 minimum monetary donation to CTPFC, and includes an event tee-shirt. Registration by Sept. 30 guarantees the tee shirt to the participant prior to the event.
Additionally, we offer a pledge sheet on our website (www.ctpfc.org) to raise additional funds for the agency.
There are prizes for participants based on how much is raised in donations. The $25 registration fee must be paid either by check in the mail, credit card by phone, or on our website to hold a space.
All proceeds from this event go directly to CT Partnership. For questions, or to register, call CT Partnership at (203) 881‑1804.