Paul J. DiMauro, director of public works, has announced that the city of Shelton will be conducting a spring leaf collection.
Leaves will be picked up curbside the week of Monday, APRIL 27 through Friday, MAY 1.
LEAVES in PAPER BAGS should be at the curbside on the regular TRASH COLLECTION DAY.
Please be sure to keep leaf bags apart from your regular trash.
Residents are reminded that leaves will be collected in BROWN PAPER BIODEGRADABLE BAGS ONLY.
Bags containing anything other than leaves will not be accepted. (Sticks, grass clippings, dirt, etc.)
Also, the COMPOST SITE (for LEAVES ONLY, please) on Willoughby Road, next to Elizabeth Shelton School will be open that same week, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Saturday from 7 a.m. to noon.
Residents bringing leaves to the Compost Site in containers other than biodegradable paper bags must remove non-conforming containers from the site.
All BRUSH must be brought to the Transfer Station, 866 River Road, open weekly from 7 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday to Saturday.