Shelton High School students scored above state and national averages on PSAT scores, Headmaster Beth Smith said in a press release.
Students also excelled in college and career readiness benchmarks, Smith said.
The press release continued:
In October, all sophomores and juniors at Shelton High School took the PSATs, which reflect evidenced-based reading and writing, and a mathematics score.
This was the first time that the Shelton Board of Education funded that assessment for both grades.
Mrs. Riddle, K‑12 School Counselor Curriculum Leader, stated the reason for this, “The College Board adopted a new SAT, and we wanted to give our students every opportunity to be successful when they take the SAT in March, as it counts for state accountability and Shelton Board of Education graduation requirements.”
Results of the PSATs were released in January. Shelton High School results were as follows:
Students in grade 10 had a mean score of 948, with the state mean score 924 and the national mean score 931.
Students in grade 11 had a mean score of 1022, with the state mean score 979 and the national mean score 1008.
The PSAT provides an assessment that measures the knowledge, skills and understanding that are essential for success in college and career.
Shelton also outperformed their peers in the state and national benchmarks in college and career readiness. Fifty-one percent of the sophomores met the College and Career Readiness Benchmarks, while 44 percent did so statewide and 47 percent nationwide. Fifty-four percent of the juniors met the College and Career Readiness Benchmarks, while 39 percent did so statewide and 48 percent nationwide.
According to the PSAT, “these tests reflect the kind of meaningful, engaging and challenging work that students find in the best middle and high schools courses taught today, creating and sustaining a durable bond between assessment and instruction that provides the backbone of sound education.”