Shelton Superintendent Presents $68.1M ‘Preliminary’ Budget

Shelton Schools Superintendent Freeman Burr kicked off the 2013 – 2014 budget season Wednesday night by presenting a preliminary recommended budget of $68,118,274 for next year, the CT Post reported.

The figure represents a 6.87 percent increase over the district’s current spending plan of $63,736,627. Burr made the presentation at a meeting of the Board of Education. No votes were taken.

While administrative salaries would fall $60,327 from $3,174,690 in the current budget to $3,114,363 in 2013 – 14, teacher salaries would rise $1,293,992 from $28,818,122 to $30,112,114 mostly because of contractual agreements, Burr said, according to the Post.

Burr also called for some new instructors, including a part-time physical education teacher and a part-time French teacher, according to the Post.

Click here to read the full report.

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