Congratulations to Seniors Molly Hellauer and Meghan Poole for being named to the National Interscholastic Coaches Association Swimming Academic All America list for the 2011 – 2012 school year.
The criteria for this prestigious honor are earning a varsity letter in at least their senior year and maintaining a 3.750 or 93.750 GPA for all four years of high school.
There are less than 1,000 students nationwide and less than 20 in the state of Connecticut who receive this award.
In addition, the Shelton High School Girls Swim Team was once again named a recipient of the NISCA Academic All America Scholar Team award.
All varsity members of the team have a combined GPA of 3.580 (89.5) which qualifies them for Silver Team Status.
The names of the team are Seniors Molly Hellauer, Meghan Poole, Kaitlyn Siriano, Anna Shannon, Amber Serrano, Nicole Jankura, Shannon Triebwasser, Shannon Hefferle, Aliyah Carattini, Alina Martinez, Suzanna Shigo, Emma Shriver, Juniors Colette Harley, Carolyn Rennie, Freshemen Jessica Poole, and Jenny Gulick.
Shelton High School is one of 2 teams statewide and 246 girls teams nationwide to be named to this list.