
On 04/08/19 at 1:52 pm the Huntington Co. #3 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to #95 Willoughby Road for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. An engine and a ladder truck responded.

On 04/08/19 at 4:28 pm the Echo Hose H & L Co. #1, White Hills Co. #5 and the Huntington Co. #3 responded to the Sinsabaugh Heights Housing Complex at #187 Meadow Street for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. smoke from cooking caused the alarm. An engine, a rescue truck and a ladder truck responded.

On 04/09/19 at 9:44 am the Huntington Co. #3 responded to #2 Maggie Lane for a carbon monoxide alarm activation. An engine responded.

On 04/09/19 at 10:59 pm the White Hills Co. #5 and the Huntington Co. #3 responded to East Village Road for a motor vehicle accident. Upon arrival firefighters needed to extricate the driver of a vehicle that had rolled over. An engine and a rescue truck responded.

On 04/10/19 at 6:02 am the Huntington Co. #3, Echo Hose H & L Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to the Saint Lawrence Church Rectory for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. Smoke from cooking caused the alarm. A unit responded.

On 04/10/19 at 10:58 am the Echo Hose H & L Co. #1 and the Huntington Co. #3 responded to route 8 south bound between exits 13 and 12 to assist EMS with a patient in a motor vehicle having a medical emergency. An engine and a rescue truck responded.

On 04/10/19 at 11:43 am the White Hills Co. #5 and the Huntington Co. #3 responded to the rear of the Elizabeth Shelton School for an odor of propane gas in the area of propane storage tanks. although it was thought the tank itself was leaking, gas company repair personnel found a leak in the piping outside of the tank. School children were evacuated to the high school as a precaution during the incident. Shelton EMS was also standing by. An engine, a ladder truck and a rescue truck responded.

On 04/10/19 at 12:45 pm the Echo Hose H & L Co. #1 and the Huntington Co. #3 responded to route 8 south bound between exits 12 and 11 for a motor vehicle accident. A rescue truck and the tower truck responded.

On 04/10/19 at 3:50 pm the Huntington Co. #3 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to #15 Winthrop Road for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. an engine responded.

On 04/11/19 at 11:29 am the Huntington Co. #3 responded to #32 Nichols Avenue for a public service call; lockout. An engine responded.

On 04/11/19 at 2:50 pm the Huntington Co. #3 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to #26 Robin Lane for a report of a brush fire. Two engines and a brush truck responded.

On 04/11/19 at 6:57 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to the Market Place Plaza at #389 Bridgeport Avenue. There was no fire. A rescue truck and a ladder truck responded.

On 04/11/19 at 7:08 pm the Pine Rock Co. #4, Echo Hose Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to the Casanova Restaurant at #833 River Road for a small brush fire. An engine responded.

On 04/11/19 at 7:29 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to #18 Sims Way for an illegal open burn. A unit responded.

On 04/11/19 at 11:31 pm the Huntington Co. #3, Echo Hose H & L Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to #9 Meadowlark Drive for a structure fire. Upon arrival firefighters found a fire in an attached two car garage of a two-story single family home. The fire was under control in about 30 minutes. Firefighters kept the fire damage confined to the garage and its contents. All occupants of the home were safely out upon arrival of fire units. There were no injuries from the fire. The cause of the fire is under investigation by the Fire Marshal’s Office. EMS responded and stood-by during the incident. Four engines, one rescue truck and one ladder truck responded.

On 04/12/19 at 9:15 am the Huntington Co. #3 and the Echo Hose H & L Co. #1 responded to route 8 north bound between exits 11 and 12 for a motor vehicle accident. An engine and a rescue truck responded.

On 04/12/19 at 10:51 am the Huntington Co. #3 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to #165 Booth Hill Road for an electrical hazard. An engine responded.

On 04/12/19 at 1:22 pm the Pine Rock Co. #4 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to Wesley Heights Retirement Living Complex at #580 Long Hill Avenue for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. An engine, a ladder truck and the tower truck responded.

On 04/13/19 at 11:24 am the White Hills Co. #5 and the Huntington Co. #3 responded to #28 Little Fox Run for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. An engine and a ladder truck responded.

On 04/13/19 at 2:07 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to assist Derby Fire Department for a search of the Housatonic River for a possible lost boater. The boater was located shortly thereafter. Fire units were cancelled.

On 04/13/19 at 4:37 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to the Marketplace Plaza at #389 Bridgeport Avenue for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. An engine and a ladder truck responded.

On 04/13/19 at 00:03 am the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to South Constitution Boulevard and Long Hill Avenue for a motor vehicle accident. An engine and a rescue truck responded.

On 04/14/19 at 00:54 am the Huntington Co. #3 and the Echo Hose H & L Co. #1 responded to Bridgeport Avenue at Commerce Drive for a motor vehicle accident. An engine and a rescue truck responded.

On 04/14/19 at 02:43 am the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to Meadow Street at Soundview Avenue for a motor vehicle accident. An engine responded.

On 04/14/19 at 4:41 pm the Huntington Co. #3, Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to #704 Bridgeport Avenue for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. An engine and a ladder truck responded.

On 04/14/19 at 9:06 pm the Huntington Co. #3 responded to #1 Timberlane Drive. A rescue truck responded.

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