Shelton’s Stacia Monahan Is The Outstanding Young Farmer Of 2014

Connecticut’s agriculture industry grows great crops, including the next generation of farmers. 

Stacia Monahan of Stone Gardens Farm in Shelton was chosen as Connecticut’s Outstanding Young Farmer of 2014. 

The Outstanding Young Farmer Award is given annually by the Connecticut Agricultural Information Council (CAIC), a coalition of state farming groups, as part of the festivities surrounding Connecticut Agriculture Day at the state capitol. 

Candidates are selected based on their achievements in their agricultural enterprises, involvement in the agriculture industry and their community, and their work on soil and water conservation projects. 

Inspired by helping out her grandparents on their small berry and vegetable farm as a child, Stacia has operated a mixed vegetable operation for 16 years. 

She resides on the farm with her husband, Fred, and three children, Tommy, Billy, and Sophie. 

She started out by planting just 2 acres of sweet corn and vegetables which has evolved today into 50 acres grown annually along with the raising of poultry, pork, and beef.

Stone Gardens Farm is part of a non-profit Community Supported Market initiative called CitySeed in New Haven where local residents have the ability to access fresh produce from farmers. 

This gave the Monahan’s the knowledge to organize their own CSA program which has grown from 85 members in 2007 to over 1,000 members to date.

Stacia employs sustainable growing practices on the farm as she spreads a compost mixture to improve the tilth of the soil and add much needed organic matter to the fields every spring. 

Her fields are set up to direct run-off water into ponds that are used for irrigation. Stone Gardens Farm practices integrated pest management (IPM) as well.

Stacia has capitalized upon the local foods movement as she aims to educate consumers of her products and mentor new and beginning farmers, and she doesn’t show signs of slowing down. She states, ​“Once I feel comfortable with a new addition it’s time for the next big thing!”

The purpose of the Outstanding Young Farmers program is to bring about a greater interest in the farmer to foster better urban-rural relations through the understanding of the farmers’ endeavors, to develop a further appreciation for their contributions and achievements, and to inform the agribusiness community of the growing urban awareness of the farmers’ importance and impact on America’s economy.

The state winner will be invited to compete nationally in the National Outstanding Young Farmers Program, which is sponsored nationally by John Deere. 

The last 4 Connecticut winners, Jamie Jones of Jones Family Farm in Shelton, Russell Holmberg of Holmberg Orchards in Gales Ferry, Matt Peckham of Elm Farm in Woodstock, and Joe Geremia of Wallingford, have been national Top 10 finalists. 

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