Smile Dental Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive Starts Nov. 18

Bring a smile to other people in need this Thanksgiving season. The 34th Annual Thanksgiving Turkey-Food Drive kicks-off on Wednesday, November 18th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Smile Dental Center, 1000 Bridgeport Ave. in Shelton.

Meet WPLR Radio celebrity, Chaz, of Chaz & AJ In The Morning” (on 99.1) who will be live, on-location from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Dr. Bruce Sofferman, DDS, of Smile Dental Center, along with his family started this popular Thanksgiving Food collection drive — which has become a tradition for many — over three decades ago for the benefit of Shelton-based Spooner House Shelter.

As part of the tradition, they always stand outside their dental office dressed in traditional Pilgrim and Native American attire and wave to passersby as encouragement to the community at-large to give what they can to help their fellow neighbors.

This year, Dr. Sofferman will be a Pilgrim and Brendan Carey of Shelton, is once again. volunteering to be the Turkey. Carey is President of the Grow-Group in Shelton and a real estate agent with Carey & Guarrera Real Estate. 

Now, more than ever, the need for the community’s support is tremendous. Due to the pandemic, one out of every eight families in the Greater Valley does not have enough food for their families,” noted Dr. Sofferman; Whatever we can all contribute is a great help.” 

This annual turkey and canned food drive benefits the Valley Food Bank affiliated with Spooner House. This year’s goal is to collect enough food to prepare at least 750 meal baskets.

Stop by with your frozen turkeys and other non-perishable food and monetary donations. The need is huge.

This year’s food drive will be contactless. Just pull into the Smile Dental circular driveway (with your mask-on) and your donation will be collected right from your car. Make sure all your donations are loaded in your trunk in advance of drop-off. All you have to do is pop-open your trunk when you arrive and they’ll take it out!

If you do not have time to shop and want to make a financial contribution, you can drop off a check, made payable to: Spooner House,” during the Thanksgiving Turkey Drive at Smile Dental Center. Or you can mail a check directly to Spooner House located at: 30 Todd Road, Shelton, CT. 06484. 

Donations will also be accepted through PayPal at For more information on other giving opportunities, please contact Spooner House at 203 – 225-0453 ×100.

Smile Dental Center has served Connecticut families for over 35 years. Long-time philanthropists and leaders in the Greater Valley community, Dr. Bruce Sofferman and his Dental Practice also contribute to other area charities and fundraisers including Toys for Tots, the Women of Domestic Violence, and the Oxford Little League.

Contact Smile Dental Center at 203 – 712-7726 or visit for further details. 

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