Whoops. Sorry about that. We’ll fix it.
And they did.
Less than eight hours after being notified that Division was spelled incorrectly on a road sign on Pershing Drive, the state Department of Transportation fixed the error.
The DOT learned of the error after the Valley Indy called Tuesday.
The sign showed motorists Division Street was near. Unfortunately the sign spelled it “Divison.”
The mistake was first pointed out Monday night by Valley Indy Facebook fan Adrianne Mora.
Note: We’re a non-profit news agency with a staff of three, morally prohibited from beating agencies up for typos.
Our Facebook readers, on the other hand …
As of 8 p.m. Tuesday, 86 people had commented on Facebook under a photo of the sign we posted Tuesday morning.
Many of the comments were, “Well, that’s the Valley for ya.”
What is with the self-hating Valley comments, people? Come on!
Other comments:
- Mark Guliano: “Guess they don’t have Spell Check in the sign shop! haha”
- Karl Heitz: “Stick a sticker to replace ‘on’ with ‘ion’. Much cheaper than a new sign.”
- Rich Tomas: “WINNER of the “it’s not my job” award!”
- Sean Maloney: “Could be worse. The sign could’ve been upside down, too.”
Pershing Drive is a state road (Route 334) and the signs were recently installed, presumably to replace old signs that had lost their ability to reflect light, said Kevin Nursick, a spokesman for the state DOT.
“We responsible for hundreds of thousands of signs on Connecticut state roadways. Occasionally there are spelling errors. It is rare, but it does happen,” Nursick said.
The Division Street sign cost about $21 to make from scratch, Nursick said. He estimated it would cost about $2 to correct.
“We’re all human. I’m a spokesman for a state agency. I make grammatical errors more than I like to admit,” Nursick said. “I’ve read newspaper websites and found grammatical and spelling errors online, too.”
Signs are checked for accuracy by several people at the DOT.
Nursick said the sign would be replaced within a few days. A Valley Indy writer said the sign had been corrected as of 9:30 p.m. Tuesday.
“We won’t make special trips to waste money. When someone is already scheduled to go to our sign shop, we’ll pick it up to make the correction,” he said.