The ACT Spooner House will be the beneficiary of two heart warming events on Saturday Feb. 11 and Sunday Feb 12, 2012.
On Feb. 11, food drives will be held at Stop and Shop stores in Ansonia, Seymour and Shelton. And on Feb. 12, a chocolate expo in Shelton will benefit the Spooner House.
The Spooner House is a homeless shelter and food bank for the lower Naugatuck Valley.
Have A Heart Food Drive
The annual Valley Has a Heart food collection will be held on Saturday, Feb. 11 at three Stop and Shop stores in the lower Naugatuck Valley — Ansonia, Seymour and Shelton. Stop and Shop is the marquee sponsor for this year’s Valley Has a Heart drives. The goal is to gather enough non-perishable food to last for at least two months and $3,000 in cash to use for restocking the shelves as needed during the cold winter months.
The collections will run from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at each location.
The Stop & Shop stores where donations can be made are at 100 Division Street in Ansonia, 15 Franklin Street in Seymour and 898 Bridgeport Avenue in Shelton. This year Spooner House is happy to have Stop & Shop as a marquee sponsorship, as well as site sponsors, Dan Jacobs Porsche Specialists of Oxford and Dworken, Hillman, LaMorte & Sterczala of Shelton.
In Love & Chocolate
On Sunday, Feb. 12 from 1 – 4 p.m. Liquid Lunch is hosting a chocolate lover’s paradise event, “In Love & Chocolate” with proceeds being split between Spooner House and the Mary A. Schmecker Turtle Shell Fund.
For $20 per person, patrons will be able to sample chocolate creations from the best of Connecticut’s confectioners, sip on champagne, listen to live music and more. Among the exhibitors serving up sweet samples are Antonio’s (Ansonia), Crave (Ansonia), Royal Bakery (Shelton), Pink Cupcake Shack (Fairfield), Burnt Bakery (Seymour), KB Scotty’s (Southbury), Stone Gardens (Shelton) and more.
“In Love & Chocolate” will be held at the Liquid Lunch location in Shelton at 6 Research Drive. Tickets are available at all Liquid Lunch locations and via PayPal at All tickets purchased through our website will be held at Will Call for day of event. Please call Nicole at 203 – 926-6038 with any questions.
“Who doesn’t love chocolate? A perfect Valentine’s Day treat for everyone while giving back to two wonderful causes,” commented Nicole Heriot from Liquid Lunch. “We are always happy to help Spooner House continue to fulfill their mission of serving people in need in the lower Naugatuck Valley.”
Help Needed
Volunteers are still needed for “The Valley Has a Heart” food drives at each location to collect and organize the food. Spooner House encourages everyone to bring their loved ones to help or to organize a group in support of this cause. Please call Tony Vellucci at 203 – 225-0453 if you are able to provide just a few hours of help on Feb. 11. This is a great activity for scouts, church youth groups, high school students and civic clubs who are often required to donate community service time.
Those unable to visit one of the three Stop & Shop stores on Feb. 11 are still encouraged to make a donation. Checks should be made payable and mailed to: Area Congregations Together, Inc., Spooner House, 30 Todd Road, Shelton CT 06484. Donations may also be made via PayPal by clicking on the Donate button at Deliveries of non-perishable food items are also accepted at the above location Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., or to set up a special time for food delivery call 203 – 225-0453.
In Ansonia, donations for the Spooner House food bank may also be brought to the office at Christ Episcopal Church 56 Cliff Street Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. or call 203 – 734-2715 to arrange for drop offs at another time.