Spooner House To Get Matching Donations Until April 30

The drive to stamp out hunger ends on April 30 as part of the 15th annual Alan Shawn Feinstein $1 Million Giveway to Fight Hunger campaign. 

Feinstein, a philanthropist from Rhode Island, has pledged to give away $1 million dollars to hunger relief nationwide. 

Feinstein will add to all contributions received by Spooner House during this campaign. 

The larger the contribution received by Spooner House, the more Feinstein funds will be given to help others in the lower Naugatuck Valley.

This is the 12th year that Spooner House has participated in the program, and your donation toward this campaign will make you a partner in the most successful grassroots campaign to fight hunger of all time. 

To date Spooner House has received $25,700 in donations of cash and non-perishable food items which qualify for the Feinstein $1 Million Giveaway,” commented Susan Agamy, Executive Director, but in 2011 we raised more than $49,700 combined, so we could really use a last minute push for any qualifying donations.”

Only gifts of cash, checks or non-perishable food received by April 30 will count towards the Spooner House total used to determine the amount of funds they will be eligible to receive from Feinstein’s challenge grant. Non-perishable food donated will be valued at $1 per item. The Feinstein million dollars will be divided proportionately among all agencies complying with the food drive formula. There will be a minimum of $250 and a maximum of $35,000 given to participating agencies.

Those who were unable to donate food are still encouraged to help. Checks should be made payable and mailed to: Spooner House, 30 Todd Road, Shelton CT 06484. Donations may also be made via PayPal by clicking on the Donate button at www.actspooner.org. Deliveries of non-perishable food items are also accepted at the above location Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Donors may also set up a special time for food delivery by calling 203 – 225-0453.

In Ansonia, donations for the Spooner House’s Kathleen B. Samela Memorial Food Bank may also be brought to the office at Christ Episcopal Church 56 Cliff Street Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. or call 203 – 734-2715 to arrange for drop offs at another time. 

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