St. Mary-St. Michael Students Honored For Patriotic Posters

Some students from the St. Mary-St. Michael School in Derby received a big surprise on Friday March 9, 2012 when they learned they placed in a Patriotic Poster Contest sponsored by the Catholic War Veterans (CWV) Post 1562 and the CWV National Association. 

Six of the students placed locally in Derby and two of the students also placed at the national level. 

As an extra surprise, one of the students, Conner Hayes, happened to receive this announcement on his birthday. 

The students received plaques and Barnes & Noble gift cards from Catholic War Veterans Post 1562 Auxiliary for placing locally. The national winners also won a monetary prize. 

Students pictured here at the announcement ceremony from left to right are Brandon Sibilia, Matthew Laurent, Connor Hayes (also national award recipient), Igor Poliwoda, Teresa Joseph (also national award recipient) and Owen Clark. 

Adults left to right are Principal Linda Coppola, Representing CWV Post 1562 Auxiliary are Third Vice President Mardel Stockmal, Local 2nd Vice President and National 1st Vice President soon to be National President Susan Ranno, Post Historian Sophie Muskavich and Local President and National 2nd Vice President Evelyn Browning. 

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