St. Mary St. Michael School Receives Reaccreditation

Mrs. Linda Coppola, Principal of St. Mary- St. Michael School received notification that the Commission on Independent Schools voted to grant St. Mary-St. Michael School continued accreditation by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.

In reaching its decision, the Commission reviewed the school’s self-study and the visiting committee report from Oct. 2 – 5, 2011.

The Commission commended the school for its ongoing efforts to regain its long-term strength and viability in light of serious challenges related to enrollment and finances.

The Commission made the following recommendations:

  • That the school continue its efforts to increase enrollment.
  • That the school complete a five-year plan incorporating the findings of the report
  • That the faculty explore the possibility of participating in NEASC visiting teams to more completely understand the accreditation process

William Bennett, Director of the Commission, congratulated the St. Mary- St. Michael School community for its accomplishment. 

The next regularly scheduled evaluation will be in 2021.

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