As a well-established Derby business owner, I was serving the fine people of Derby for many, many years. Every face was familiar to me. Everyone had a story about Derby, a special connection to someone or something here. Many that I served were old friends that I had grown up with, or they knew my parents, or they went to school with my sons.
My name is Tony Staffieri and I am the proud mayor of a fine city called Derby, a city with a rich history and a place that I am proud to call home.
I was the owner and proprietor of a restaurant that many of you are probably familiar with, Connie’s Cucina or Connie’s Family Restaurant. Connie’s was as much a part of the Derby landscape as the Sterling Opera House, The Valley Diner, United Cigar, Marie Antoinette’s Bridal Salon, McConney’s Farm, Roseland Apizza, and many other well-established local businesses.
My team is the fabric of Derby. Some are young and idealistic, some are older and more experienced. But the common thread is our intention to do whatever it takes to make Derby shine. We all have a special interest in seeing this town restored and flourishing. Many of us remember Derby in its heyday and, those that don’t, have nostalgic stories and recollections from elderly parents and other relatives. How meaningful it would be to our Derby forefathers to return this city to its former state of thriving businesses, a bustling downtown, and fine dining options.
What will it take to make our dream a reality? As a matter of fact, Team Staffieri has made great strides in setting the stage for Derby’s big comeback. It’s just around the bend. Please don’t let all of the progress we’ve made fall to the wayside. On Election Day, a vote for Tony Staffieri and his Team is a vote for Derby. Please join us in fulfilling our destiny.
The writer is a Republican running for re-election as Derby’s mayor.