Stephen M. Miller was recently recognized by Housatonic Council Boy Scouts of America, Troop 27, for achieving Eagle Scout Rank.
Stephen is the son of Chris and Holly Miller and older brother to Life Scout Andrew Miller.
The family has resided in Shelton since 1993.
The Court of Honor ceremony was held May 1, 2010 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Shelton. Eagle rank is the highest rank of the Boy Scouts of America.
Steve completed 31 merit badges; worked on Eagle projects for 9 different scouts; completed over 250 hours of community service and is a Brotherhood member of Scouting’s National Honor Society, the Order of the Arrow.
He has served at Housatonic Council Cub Scout Day Camp for the past 4 summers as Assistant Archery Instructor, General Assistant and Assistant Riflery Instructor. He is currently serving as an Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 27.
Stephen’s Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project — which must meet numerous scouting standards to earn the badge — was to build a tool shed for the new Spooner House homeless shelter in Shelton. The shed is 4’x8’x8’ and required 15 scouts and a dozen scouters spending a little over 285 hours to design, raise the funds for, acquire donated materials and build.
Stephen would like to thank Sear’s Hardware, Housatonic Lumber, Home Depot, Lowes, Huntington Hardware and Huntington Paint & Wallpaper for contributions of materials toward his project.
Stephen attended Elizabeth Shelton Elementary, Shelton Intermediate, Eagle Hill School in Southport, CT and graduated in 2009 from Shelton High School.
At Eagle Hill, he was a defenseman on the Soccer team and an outfielder on the Baseball team, and at Shelton High he was awarded the Vincent J. Zak, Jr., Memorial Award and was a member of the GaelHawks FIRST Robotics team.
He is currently attending Naugatuck Valley Community College seeking his Associates degree in Automotive Technology.
Stephen’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor included a slide show of his Eagle career from Tiger Cub Scout to Eagle Scout.
Housatonic Council President Richard Marano, Scout Executive Kevin Bishop, and Shelton Mayor Mark Lauretti made presentations.
Stephen received congratulatory letters from the President and Mrs. Barack Obama, the Postmaster General, the Chief Scout Executive and Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs.
Stephen Miller is Troop 27’s 13th Eagle Scout since Troop 27 was founded in 1960’s. Troop 27 Scouts meet at the White Hills Recreation Center Fridays at 7 p.m. and members encourage all boys 11 years or older to join the adventures of Scouting.