Stratford Man Identified As Carbon Monoxide Victim

A man found dead in an Oxford home Monday has been identified as a 60-year-old Stratford man, the Oxford Patch reported Wednesday.

The man, Curtiss Raymond was house sitting at the home, located at 1 Silano Drive, for his brother, Garrett, according to the Patch.

As of about 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner had not yet determined the manner and cause of Raymond’s death. Authorities believe carbon monoxide poisoning was the likely cause.

Three dogs were also found dead inside the home.

Emergency crews were called to the house just before 1 p.m. Monday. When they saw the dogs had died they realized it was probably a carbon monoxide issue.

According to the Patch, Oxford Ambulance Association Director Jerry Schwab entered the home and began to feel lightheaded. He was treated and released from a local hospital for carbon monoxide exposure.

Fire Chief Scott Pelletier said firefighters found carbon monoxide levels of about 1,200 parts per million, which he said could be fatal.

Click here to read the full report from the Patch.

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