Sunday At The Boy Scout Jamboree

Note: The author is a Boy Scout from Derby serving as a Valley Indy hometown correspondent for the 2010 National Boy Scout Jamboree.

On Sunday morning we all went to church. The Catholic mass had 20,000 Scouts there. It took more than 30 minutes to give out communion. There were 40 priests in the arena.

I heard the other services were crowded. After an hour of roasting in the scorching sun we finally flushed out and the reward was a special religious patch.

Down at Fort AP Hill there is a special attraction called Venturing. You enter this wonderful cowboy exhibit by going through a giant V. You can go through everything from an underground venturing exhibit to BB guns.

If you shoot all five targets faster than your partner you go night shooting in a dark room with a TAR-21 with night vision scope with a red dot.

Even better here you can get your hat branded with a symbol from scouts or Philmont.

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