Support The Paugies’ Boot Drive Nov. 29 In Derby

Paugassett Hook & Ladder Company No. 4 on Route 34 near St. Michael’s Church will be holding a boot drive in front of the firehouse on Friday, Nov. 29 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

It will be the first boot drive on Route 34 held since Gov. Malloy earlier this year signed into law legislation that allows volunteer fire companies to conduct fundraising boot drives on state highways.

The Paugassett H & L Co. #4 was instrumental with Valley legislators — Reps. Themis Klarides and Linda Gentile and Sen. Joe Crisco — in creating this important legislation. 

Prior to the new law, the Paugies often conducted boot drives, but were stopped a few years ago by police who cited DOT rules prohibiting the activity. 

The Paugies hold two boot drives a year —- one being on the Friday after Thanksgiving and the other on the Saturday before Memorial Day. 

The Paugies also host a porketta dinner monthly at the firehouse on the fourth Tuesday of the month as an additional fundraiser — but the boot drives are the major events. 

The money collected buys lifesaving equipment that the city might not have the budgeted for. Example — when thermal imaging cameras first came into the fire service, the Paugies used money from boot drives to purchase the first one within the Derby Fire Department.

A few years ago, the Paugassetts purchased a specialized, all-wheel drive, all-terrain vehicle for fighting brush fires. The vehicle is often used when responding to calls on the city’s popular Greenway, a walking trail along the Naugatuck River.

It cost $40,000 and the purchase was made thanks to the boot drive. The vehicle was donated to the overall fire department.

The Paugies also support various youth activities throughout the city and other non-profit charitable organizations through donations with funds earned through the boot drives. 

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