I like Linda McMahon because I really respect what she’s accomplished in her life, building a successful business and creating hundreds of jobs in Connecticut.
I also feel protective toward her when I see her being unfairly attacked by the old boys’ network. Linda’s opponents recently unveiled a billboard in Bridgeport, personally signed by Senator Blumenthal, ridiculing her as a person. How courageous of these men to launch this sexist attack against a woman who has personally struggled and persevered through very significant challenges.
I know that Linda couldn’t afford health insurance when she was pregnant with her son, Shane. She and her husband worked for more than a year just to pay off their medical bills. I’m waiting to see if her opponents, Chris Shays and Chris Murphy, who claim to champion women’s rights, will say a word in her defense.
Or will they be content to stay in the shadows and silently condone Senator Blumenthal’s sexist assault?
The writer is a Republican member of the Derby tax board and volunteers for the McMahon campaign.