An open letter to the voters of the 17th Senate District:
If elected there are only two things I can promise with certainty: I will not vote for a single tax increase and I will favor term limits.
The 40,000+ State employees have a pension plan I would never have voted for. They are allowed to add unlimited overtime to their base pay during their final three years of service and this inflated pay figure is used to determine their pension. While I would honor the current contracts, future ones would not get my vote if they are so overly generous with taxpayers’ money.
I will support any bill that reduces the size of Government. Redundant or obsolete agencies should be eliminated and their employees reduced through attrition.
About 70% of our businesses are small businesses. They are over regulated and taxed. I will work to lessen both.
We need jobs. We are near the top of the nation in educating our young people, but we are at the bottom of the list in retaining our educated populous. Connecticut lacks the work necessary to employ its newly educated. We need to stop the exodus of business to other States and attract new jobs in both the white-collar and the blue-collar sectors.
I’m asking for much more than your vote. I’m asking you to come out on Tuesday, November 6 and vote for all of the conservatives on your ballot.
Clean house Connecticut and work with us to restore our State to better days.
The writer the Republican candidate for the 17th State Senate District.