As a result of damage stemming from 2012’s Hurricane Sandy, Aquarion Water Company, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Thursday (April 25) announced the start of work to remove trees blown over, damaged, or at risk of falling in the future along Shelton’s Booth Hill Road within Centennial Watershed State Forest.
Beginning the week of April 29, damaged trees on the approximately 20 acres of affected property will be salvaged for timber use.
The hurricane caused substantial damage to trees on the land, mainly white pine.
“Targeted logging of the trees will help speed the forest’s recovery,” said Gary Haines, Aquarion’s chief forester. “It will allow more sunlight to reach the forest floor and help seedlings to sprout. Also, leaving larger pieces of coarse woody debris on the ground will protect against deer browsing and erosion and will decompose to help replenish forest soils.”
Aquarion is leaving some dead or dying trees uncut due to the fact that many birds and other forms of wildlife rely on dead or dying trees for refuge, nesting sites and perching areas. The company has instructed the loggers working on the property to leave at least six dead or dying trees standing per acre.
“Black birch, sugar maple, ash, beech, yellow poplar, red maple and oak will be flourishing where white pine were previously predominant,” said Haines. “The greater variety of trees and other plants will provide wildlife with a richer source of food and shelter, while also providing a healthier and more stable ecosystem. The new hardwood stands will also be less susceptible to storm damage, and insects and diseases that attack single species.”
The largest site begins approximately 350 feet south of Mohegan Road and extends south along Booth Hill to Woods Grove Road.
A second smaller site is about 1,250 feet south of Woods Grove Road on Booth Hill Road. Landings and access ways will be utilized at the sites.
Police are providing traffic control where needed. Work is scheduled between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., and may also include weekends.
The project is expected to conclude by the end of May.