A portion of sales from Tavern 1757 in January will be donated to the United Way’s Sandy Hook Elementary School fund, the restaurant’s owners announced Dec. 29.
“Now is the time for us to help our neighbors. Collectively the 1757 Tavern family will donate $1 for every single patron who comes through our doors for the next 30 days. The donation will be made to the Sandy Hook Elementary School Fund in care of the United Way,” the owners said in a prepared statement.
“Our staff and our patrons are like our family. So on behalf of the 1757 Tavern family we just want you to know we want to help and are thinking of you.”
Tavern 1757 is owned by Tony Mavuli. It is at 318 Route 34/Roosevelt Drive in Seymour next to the Inn at Villa Bianca.
Click here for the restaurant’s Facebook page.