First Selectman: “Mixed Feelings” About Blight Law

As you might know, the Board of Selectmen has proposed a blight ordinance for the Town of Oxford. I have mixed feelings about such an ordinance. On the one hand, no one has the right to detract from his neighbor’s right to enjoy his or her property as they see fit. On the other hand, no one has the right to diminish his neighbors property values simply because they neglect to care for their property. It is a question of balancing interests.

As you might know, the Board of Selectmen has proposed a blight ordinance for the Town of Oxford. I have mixed feelings about such an ordinance. On the one hand, no one has the right to detract from his neighbor’s right to enjoy his or her property as they see fit. On the other hand, no one has the right to diminish his neighbors property values simply because they neglect to care for their property. It is a question of balancing interests.

Some people have correctly articulated the need to define the term blight” in a manner that allows flexibility while putting teeth in the ordinance. I look forward to sharing the views of citizens at the town meeting on Monday February 13, 2012. Your input will be warmly received.

If you feel strongly that the town should not create an ordinance that further restricts Oxford citizens then be prepared to suggest how we could encourage or even force people to clean up their yards in the interest of public health and safety. If you are of the mind that all of us should conform to a minimum standard of care to our private property, then how do we insure that people who may not be able to afford to remediate the blight are not treated in a manner that would create a hardship.

In the time that I have been First Selectman, I have fielded many complaints that would be of the nature of a blight issue. Most of these complaints are valid and should be easily corrected. It is disappointing to me that so many of our neighbors give little or no consideration to the common good of the town. Be assured that the current Board of Selectman will endeavor to address these issues. I look forward to your input on Feb. 13. Please read the proposed ordinance on the town web site.

Click here to read a story about the blight ordinance.

George Temple is the First Selectman of Oxford.

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