The Jackson Family Of Oxford Still Needs Your Help

All-Star Transportation in Seymour (591 N. Main St) will be selling food tomorrow (Thursday, May 22) as a way to raise money for the Jackson Family Fund, which was created by the Oxford Ambulance Association.

Time: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Prices: $5 for a hot dog, chips and soda

Merry Jackson was shot in Oxford May 7. She remained in the hospital with her husband, Doug, at her side, until a few days ago. She is now at home, resting.

Their daughter, Lori Gellatly, was killed in the incident and left behind two young children.

We felt compelled to donate the money to help support the Jackson family and raising those two young children,” All-Star Transportation’s Steve Gardner said in an e‑mail. The Oxford and Seymour bus terminals are working together to put this event together.”

Oxford Ambulance set up a Go Fund Me“ page on May 8. They’ve raised $9,000 toward their $15,000 goal.

State police charged Lori’s estranged husband, Scott, with murder.

He is scheduled to appear in Superior Court on June 3.

Click here for a previous story.

Click here to make a donation to the family and to read updates on Merry’s condition.

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