
The aftermath of a bomb going off in a conference room where Hitler was present.
SEYMOUR — Historian Mark Albertson is scheduled to give free lecture ​“To Kill The Devil: The 1944 Plot To Kill Hitler,” at the Seymour Public Library on Tuesday, March 10 at 6:30 p.m.
Codenamed Operation Valkyrie, Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, General Friedrich Olbricht, Colonel Albrecht von Quirnheim, and Lieutenant Werner von Haeften failed in their July 20, 1944 attempted assassination of Adolph Hitler and the overthrow of the Third Reich.
Too many variables spoiled this effort of the anti-Nazi German Resistance Movement. Believing their attempt to have been successful, the hopeful assassins collected in Benderblock, Berlin and faced the consequences of their failed actions. This program will discuss the attempt, what led to its inception, and the events that caused it to fail.
Mark Albertson is a historical research editor at Army Aviation magazine and is the historian for the Army Aviation Association of America. He teaches at Norwalk Community College and specializes in military research and political science.
This program is free and all are welcome to attend. Registration is not necessary.
The Seymour Public Library is located at 46 Church St. in Seymour, CT. Please call the library at 203 – 888-3903 if you are in need of additional information.