Halloween events, fall festivals and football!
There’s a lot to do this weekend.
Read on to get more details about events happening in the Valley.
Friday, Oct. 21
- FOOTBALL! Watertown plays Ansonia High School at 7 p.m. at Jarvis Stadium on Wakelee Avenue. Wolcott plays Derby High School at 7 p.m. at the Ryan Athletic Complex on Nutmeg Avenue in Derby. Crosby plays Seymour High School at Seymour High School on Botsford Road.
- Candy Coburn Concert: The community concern will raise money for Seymour Pink breast cancer awareness. The concert is the culminating event to Seymour Pink week. Candy Coburn is a country music artist known for her hit “Pink Warrior.” The concert will take place at Seymour Middle School at 7 p.m. A $5 donation to Seymour Pink is requested. For event details or to contact Seymour Pink visit the website: seymourpink.com
- Haunted Hayrides: The Fairview Tree Farm in Shelton is hosting its 15tt annual haunted hay ride from 7 to 10 p.m. at the farm on Walnut Tree Hill Road in Shelton. $14 per person. Rides also available on Oct. 22, and Oct. 28 and 29. Click here for more information.
Saturday, Oct. 22
Derby Senior Center Autumn Fair: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Crafts, great White Elephant items, Silent Auction, Bake Sale, Hot Dogs and Meatball subs, Free Parking in Municipal Garage. Something for everyone!
- Autumn Festival: The Ansonia Nature Center is hosting an Autumn Festival on Oct. 22 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event will include horse drawn wagon rides, pumpkin carving contest, hay maze, crafts and refreshments for sale. The Nature Center store will also be open all day. For more information call (203) 736‑1053.
- Oxford PTO Tag Sale: The Oxford PTO Tag Sale will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 22, in the Oxford Center School parking lot, 462 Oxford Road, Oxford. Please email Dorie Neary at dneary22@yahoo.com or call Lisa Suttile at (203) 888‑8229 for more info. Rain date is Oct. 29.
- Fire Safety Day: Meet a firefighter and explore a fire engine from Echo Hose Fire Company, families with children of all ages welcome. Registration is required; sign up for one of the six half hour periods. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Plumb Memorial Library at 65 Wooster St. in Shelton.
- Touch A Truck: Great Hill United Methodist Church is hosting a touch-a-truck at the church at 225 Great Hill Road, Seymour. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be trucks, a smoke house for fire safety drills, and tractor rides, pumpkin decorating and a bake and book sale. Call Joe at (203) 888‑0489 for more information.
- Ultimate Halloween Pumpkin Carving Contest: Spend Saturday evening on the Derby Green! Bring your best pumpkins, stick around for ghost tours. INFO HERE.
- Photos for the Cure: Marcucio Gardens, located at 480 New Haven Avenue, Derby will be hosting a “Photos for the Cure” fundraiser on Saturday, October 22, 2011 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Brian Gallo, a local photography hobbyist, will be taking photos on our Fall decorated gazebo for a $5.00 donation. Children can also paint a sugar pumpkin for $5.00 donation. Click for more info.
- Friends of the Shelton Libraries Annual Meeting: Meet the candidates for the Library Board of Directors. Learn about what the Friends have been up to in the last year, and what they plan to do next. Refreshments will be served. The meeting will be held at the Huntington Branch Library at 41 Church St. from 1 to 3 p.m.
- Trunk and Treat: Hosted by the Bethwood Suzuki Music School in Seymour. The second annual Spooky Suzuki Trunk and Treat will run from 5 to 7 p.m. at the school at 30 D Progress Ave. The event is free to the public and open to all ages. There will be face painting, haunted hallways, pumpkin decorating and food for a sale. For more information on this event or Bethwood Suzuki Music School, please visit their website at www.bethwood.org or call (203) 888‑8143.
- UNICEF Family Festival Families dressed in costume are invited to come spend a classic crisp autumn day at Jones Family Farms’ Pumpkinseed Hill for the annual UNICEF Family Festival. The events run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday Oct. 22 and Sunday Oct. 23 at 120 Beardsley Road in Shelton. Click here for more details.
- Oxford Fright Night: The Oxford High School Drama Club will present Haunted High School 2011 from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday at the high school at 61 Quaker Farms Road. A daylight walk will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. in the same location. The admission is $5 for children 10 and up, $2 for children 3 – 9 and children under 3 get in free. Click here for more information.
Sunday, Oct. 23
- UNICEF Family Festival Families dressed in costume are invited to come spend a classic crisp autumn day at Jones Family Farms’ Pumpkinseed Hill for the annual UNICEF Family Festival. The events run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday Oct. 22 and Sunday Oct. 23 at 120 Beardsley Road in Shelton. Click here for more details.
- Learn To Speak Dog: Join dog trainer Peg Demaine at the Shelton Dog Park for an informal, fun, learning session to better understand your dog. The event runs from 2 to 3 p.m. at the Shelton Dog Park at the corner of Shelton Avenue (Route 108) and Nells Rock Road.