Here’s a list of things to do this weekend.
Check out our events calendar for more events going on this month.
Don’t see your event listed? That’s because you didn’t register and upload it to the calendar. Shame on you.
CT Works Career Coach – Job Search Assistance
10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Learn where to look for jobs, how to get the job you want, and how to search for jobs on the internet. Open to the public.
Derby Public Library
313 Elizabeth St., Derby
Admission: Free
Seymour Pop Warner Registration
6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Children 7 – 15 years old are eligible for tackle football and cheerleading. Flag football and Tiny-Mite cheerleading is for ages 5 – 7. Contact league president Ruben Caiza at 203 – 509-7698, or go to for more information. Click here for all the details.
Seymour Community Center
20 Pine St., Seymour
Admission: Free
Oxford PTO Hosts “Family Night at the Auction”
6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Quaker Farms School
30 Great Oak Road, Oxford
Preview begins at 6 p.m., and the auction itself begins at 7 p.m. PTO is currently seeking donations for the auction. Danny Magic will be there to entertain children. Light refreshments will be served. Those interested in making a donation or seeking further information may contact Lisa Suttile at 203 – 888-8229 ( or Carmen Riddle at 203 – 881-5918 ( Click here for all the details.
Admission: Free
The Seymour Pride Committee’s May Clean-Up
8 a.m.
Helps the Seymour Housing Authority
Planting some ornamental grasses around the retention pond in front of Smithfield Gardens and the Callahan house in Seymour.
Volunteers are asked to bring a shovel with them.
CWV Casino Trip to Mohegan Sun
Sponsored by: CWV (Catholic War Veterans Post 1562 – Derby)
8:30 a.m.
112 Derby Ave., Derby
Contact Jeff Sember (after 1:00 pm) at (203) 734‑9748. Check or money order must be made payable to St. Michael CWV Post 1562.
Admission: $32
15th Annual Walk for the Hungry and Homeless
Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., and the walk begins at 9 a.m., rain or shine.
Participants are asked to make donations in any amount that fits their budget, ask others to sponsor them for additional funds, or seek matching donations from employers. All proceeds benefit Spooner House. For registration forms or more information please visit,, or call 203 – 225-0453.
Derby Greenway
Division St., Derby
Admission: Suggested donation
Click here for all the details.
Community Tag Sale
The Balance Rock condominium community will host a multi-family tag sale on Balance Rock Road in Seymour from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Community CPR
Sponsored by: Ansonia Rescue Medical Services (ARMS)
9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Session will teach the basic skills necessary to perform CPR. Upon successful completion, participants will receive a Heartsaver CPR certification card from the American Heart Association. Participants are asked to bring a non-perishable food item. To reserve a seat, call (203) 735‑3668 or email
ARMS Headquarters
22 West Main St., Ansonia
Admission: Free
Welcome Home, Veterans
11 a.m. to 6 p.m. There is a rain date of May 20.
Shelton’s Veteran’s Memorial Park will host a state-wide celebration of Vietnam veterans May 19.
The park will be home to Connecticut’s second annual Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day event.
The event is a way to honor Vietnam Veterans with a long overdue welcome home. It includes live music, car and motorcycle shows and food vendors.
Click here for more info
VEMS Open House
VEMS is hosting an open house Saturday, May 19 from 1 p.m to 4 p.m. to show off its new headquarters building at 300 Oxford Road. Saturday’s open house will include free food and drinks, blood pressure screenings, blood sugar tests, and EKG screenings. Activities such as bounce houses and face painting will be featured for children.
First Annual Shepherd’s Spring Festival
Sponsored by: Church of the Good Shepherd
10 a.m. to 4 p.m., rain or shine
Vendor spaces are available for $30. For information, call Diane at 203 – 735-2880, 203 – 954-7362 or e‑mail
Church of the Good Shepherd – parking lot
182 Coram Ave., Shelton
Admission: Free
Eat and Drink for Life
The Dew Drop Inn in Derby will be donating $1 of every beverage and plate of food to the Lower Valley Relay for Life.
The Dew Drop Inn
25 North Ave., Derby
More information here.
Admission: Free
Bring the Hoopla (Ages 4 – 11)
A highly interactive program for children sponsored by the Derby Public Library. Comfortable clothing is suggested. Registration is required.
Derby Public Library
Meet at the children’s room.
313 Elizabeth St., Derby
Click here for all the details.
Seymour Pop Warner Registration
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Children 7 – 15 years old are eligible for tackle football and cheerleading. Flag football and Tiny-Mite cheerleading is for ages 5 – 7. Contact league president Ruben Caiza at 203 – 509-7698, or go to for more information. Click here for all the details.
Seymour Community Center
20 Pine St., Seymour
Admission: Free
The History of the Coast Guard Barque Eagle with Tido Holtkamp
1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Seymour Library
46 Church St., Seymour
Admission: Free
Click here for all the details.
ZUMBATHON to Support Veterans
2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Seymour Community Center
Benefits the American Legion — 50/50 raffles and more
Poetry w/ Jen Mandeville and Friends
7 p.m.
Come in , sit down and enjoy a poetry reading and reception
More info: 203.516.0822
Gallery @37
37 Elizabeth St.
Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
Tickets are available at the door.
Riverside Voluntary Fire Company
151 Coppermine Road (near Stevenson Dam)
Admission: $7 for adults, $4 for children under 12.
Memorial Day Ceremony
The Ansonia Woodbridge Avenue Honor Roll and War Memorial Committee will host its annual Memorial Day service on Woodbridge Avenue.
The event starts at 2 p.m. The public is invited to attend.
The committee will unveil its new bronze plaques, which it replaced this month after three plaques were stolen from the site last year.
Artisan Food Experience
May 19
11 to 4 p.m. at Jones Winery, 606 Walnut Tree Hill Rd. Shelton
Cost: $10
Co-hosted by Artisan Food Store and Jones Winery, this event will feature locally made cheeses, breads and baked goods, chocolates, cookies, dips, spreads and relishes, maple syrup, honey, jams and jellies, flavored butters, fair trade coffee, seasonal produce and more paired with handcrafted boutique wines from Jones Winery. Enjoy this coming together of all natural locally produced foods and wines while relaxing in the bucolic setting of Jones Winery.